「Many foreigners come as well!」The store manager good with foreigners, Matsuo’s blog
The blog when I had an American customer→https://www.mint-tea.jp/blog/7095/
The blog when I had a Spanish customer→https://www.mint-tea.jp/tag/カット/page/2/
The blog when I had a Brazilian customer→https://www.mint-tea.jp/blog/2316/
The blog when I had a Turkish customer→https://www.mint-tea.jp/blog/1560/
I’ve also had customers from Greece!
Outside of MINT, I work at AMAN Tokyo where I get to meet many visitors from different countries.
We also have a day for Muslim women (where we reserve a room with only women staff) so if you are interested please look here.
In addition to that, we have an English web page so please check it out!
→ English page
Welcome to MINT We have knowledge and experience of styling different hair type. So tell us your request!! MINT is a salon surrounded by nature in Ebisu We offer high quality services and use organic colorings and shampoos We also have various menu for head spa Feeling tired? Feeling stress? Try our head spa We also have English Manu We can answer all your request Our English is not perfect, but we will do our best. We guarantee you will go home with a big smile and great hair!! Please feel free to contact us ! MINT opens its doors to visitors&international students from all over the globe.
あと、ちなみにこのblogを読まれた方で 現在モデルをされている方、もしくはモデルを目指している方 などいらっしゃいましたら、撮影を通して一緒に経験値と作品を増やしませんか??
また組んで頂けるカメラマンさんも募集しています。 僕自身、作品と経験を今後増やしていきたいと思っているので、作品撮りやヘアカタ撮影などにおける ヘアメイク料金は頂きません。また日時などは相談して決めていきますので ぜひ興味持たれましたら、お気軽に松尾宛てまでご連絡ください。 基本的に何でも引き受けるつもりです!
hair make MINT 松尾祐樹
ブログ https://www.mint-tea.jp/category/blog/matsuo/
作品 https://www.mint-tea.jp/gallery/
Instagram https://instagram.com/the.eighth3/