

Diversity hair Tokyo hair salon MINT by T

🌿Diversity hair Tokyo hair salon MINT🌱


We hope that you’re well and staying safe during these uncertain times😊🙏

Thank you for choosing our salon all the time

We did shampoo and blowout and haircut also treatment 💇‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️

Wears planning to do hair color next time✌️

She is a regular customer in our salon🙏🙏🙏

When we met first time in salon,

She was like

It’s hard to find the hair salon in Tokyo.

She has Gorgeous and Beautiful hair.


Special Movie 🎬


Hair is Life


A happy hair makes happy life😌

I think hair and life are very closely related


It might be hard to live in Tokyo who has diversity hair.


This is one of the things I’ve always felt when I lived in LA.

I realized how difficult it is to live in a different culture.

In there I was helped by many people.

I really appreciated it 🙏🙏🙏


Next is my turn😊


Through the hairstyles, I would like to help you.


The hair stylist could be a hairdresser, a scientist, a magician, a therapist👍👍👍

Be beautiful together😊



We have some hair stylist who can speak English.

You will be satisfied.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the salon😊


Please stay healthy be safe😌

Stay strong💪


✂︎For those who don’t have a specific hairstylist✂︎

We hope,

You could find specific hair stylists in Tokyo.

We would like to help you.

We have some hairstylist who has the experience to do a diversity of hair.

We are looking forward to seeing you.


Happy hair, happy life❤️❤️❤️

Thank you so much🙏




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