MINTing 松尾
First-time limited discount 20% off
Haircut /Down perm : 8,410yen → 6,720yen(指名料金別)
Headspa : add 1,800yen~

東京都渋谷区恵比寿南2-9-8 落合荘苑ビル2A
MAIL minting@i3.gmobb.jp
TEL 03-6451-0645
OPEN 月~金10:30〜20:00 / 土9:30〜20:00 / 日・祝9:30〜18:00
CLOSE 毎週火曜日/月曜日(月に1回営業します)
MINTing 松尾祐樹
Welcome to MINT We have knowledge and experience o spa Feeling tired? Feeling stress? Try our head spa We also have English Manu We can answer all your request Our English is not perfect, but we will do our best. We guarantee you will go home with a big smile and great hair!! Please feel free to contact us ! MINT opens its doors to visitors&international students from all over the globe.